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Karsten J. Lorenzen

Former scientologist from Denmark.

Former Scientologist shares familiar tale of force-feeding

«Lorenzen, 23, also told his story this week in several hours of sworn depositions in the wrongful death lawsuit that McPherson's family filed in Tampa against the church. Lorenzen said the woman was a Scientology staffer who became mentally unstable in May 1996 while training in Clearwater. He said she cut her wrists and was escorted back to Denmark by one of the same church staffers -- Valerie Demange -- who participated in McPherson's care six months earlier.

The woman was taken to a Scientologist's apartment north of Copenhagen, Lorenzen said. One morning during the four-day episode, he said, the woman would not wake up. Demange called a supervisor, who advised them to feed the woman, he said.

Lorenzen said he propped up the woman, sat behind her and reached forward to move her jaw in chewing motions while Demange placed food in the woman's mouth.»

Here is a detailed account of the story reported in the above newspaper.

Scientology: et religiøst svindelforetagende

«Eftersom Scientology selv identificerer sig med sin grundlægger L. Ron Hubbard, må man regne med, at citater af Hubbard taler for Scientology nu og altid. Dette bekræftes i øvrigt af et direktiv Keep Scientolgy Working ("Hold scientologien effektiv") dateret den 7 februar 1965, hvor der står, at enhver tekst af L. Ron Hubbard altid er sand, ikke må ændres og altid skal følges. Hubbard er derved "Mr. Scientology", og hans ord er lov for alle Scientologer.»

Zenon Panoussis

«Jeg møder ham på en café i det indre Stockholm. Nærmest majestætisk sidder han alene ved et bord. Det lange hår er elegant samlet i en hestehale, øjnene er venlige og smilet er stort. Men hvorfor smiler han, og hvem er han?

Han hedder Zenon Panoussis, er født i Ægypten, opvokset i Grækenland og har nu slået sig ned i Holland efter at have boet i Sverige i 24 år. Og det store smil skyldes, at Scientology har krævet 7.684.000 svenske kroner af ham.»

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