
What's New?


3 Nov 1997


Piercing the corporate veil

The truth behind Scientology's baffling corporate structure.

3 July 1997


New Zealand report on Scientology

Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Hubbard Scientology Organisation in New Zealand

14 June 1997


Council of Europe

1992 debate on Scientology and other cults.

15 May 1997


"Lord Scientology"

The activities of the Scientology peer, Lord McNair.

10 May 1997


Bodies in Pawn

Clams, Marcabs and Galactic Invader Forces.

1 May 1997


Yes, there was a book called "Excalibur" by L. Ron Hubbard

Veteran sci-fi fan Arthur Burks recalls L. Ron Hubbard's semi-mythical unpublished forerunner to Dianetics.

17 April 1997


Scientology Denies an Account of an Impromptu IRS Meeting

Scientology contradicts its own account of the IRS deal

14 April 1997


Scientology's Relationship with Eastern Religious Traditions

An analysis by Professor Stephen A. Kent

13 April 1997


Scientology versus the IRS (12 pages)

A series of pages on Scientology's controversial tax exemption

5 April 1997


Hysterical Radiation and Bogus Science

An investigation of L. Ron Hubbard's scientific howlers

17 March 1997


Narconon and Scientology

The hidden links of Scientology's drug rehabilitators


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Last updated 4 November 1997
by Chris Owen (co@nvg.unit.no)