Eric Rubio (36)

found dead in his apartment in Roedby on January 15, 2002, starved to death

Part of by Mike Gormez. Visit the message board.


This is about the period when he came to Denmark for Scientology

In memoriam Eric Rubio

June 1966 - found 15 January 2002

Editor’s note: These pages include descriptions of events at the hands of scientologists some readers may find objectionable.


Danish original text by Cyril Malka. This is a quick unofficial translation by Catarina Pamnell (

09 Aug 2002 - French Eric Rubio was found dead in his apartment in Roedby on January 15, 2002. When he was found, he had already been dead for a longer period of time, and his body was in an advanced state of decay.

When he was found, the 36-year old man weighed 45 kilograms for his 167 centimetres. He died in his kitchen, allegedly while cooking. He had not consumed any food for several days, and had suffered from malnutrition.

When Erik Rubio came to Denmark in 1994, it was to join the Scientology elite: the Sea Organization. There he was later declared unfit and thrown out, but not without having to pay back a huge sum to the cult. Until his death, he made regular payments to Scientology.

After having officially distanced himself from the cult in August of 2001, Eric began to interest himself in Hare Krishna and various Eastern teachings.

There will be a special issue of et-sect-era on August 19th, where Eric's life and daily battle until he lost it at the beginning of this year will be depicted.

Peter Widmer ( translated this text into german

9. Aug 2002 - Der Franzose Eric Rubio wurde am 15. Januar 2002 tot in seiner Wohnung in Roedby aufgefunden. Er musste bereits vor längerer Zeit verstorben sein, sein Körper befand sich im Zustand fortgeschrittener Verwesung.

Der 36jährige, 1.67 Meter grosse Mann wog noch ganze 45 Kg als man ihn fand. Er starb in seiner Küche, angeblich beim Kochen. Er hatte während mehreren Tagen keine Nahrung zu sich genommen und litt an Unternährung.

Eric Rubio kam 1994 nach Dänemark um sich sich der Elite von Scientology anzuschliessen: der Sea Organisation. Dort wurde er später für ungeeignet erklärt und rausgeschmissen, jedoch ohne ihm den enormen, dem Kult bereits entrichteten Geldbetrag zurück zu zahlen. Bis zu seinem Tod machte er noch regelmässig Zahlungen an Scientology.

Nachdem er sich im August 2001 offiziell vom Kult distanzierte, begann Eric sich für Hare Krishna und verschiedene östliche Lehren zu interessieren.

Am 19. August wird in einer Sonderausgabe von 'et-sect-era' Erics Leben und täglicher Kampf dargestellt werden, den er zu Beginn dieses Jahres endgültig verlor. (Cyril Malka)

Starved to death in Denmark (more pictures of Eric)
et-sect-era 19 August 2002 (en Français)

In our work to find out of Eric's life in Denmark, we spoke with a lot of people who have known Eric in short or longer period of time. Everyone remembered him and had something to say. Only Scientology have, despite of several called avoid saying anything. They were the one who knew Eric best and followed him from the time he came to Denmark, until almost the last days of his life. They had no problems cashing the checks he sent and tried to sell even more to him. They didn't try to help him to find his way back home. At the time he died, Eric owed them a bit less than 12,000 DKK ($1,580). The loss has been negligible to the cult.

Link to a few pictures of Scientology's Hotel Corona, where "elite" Sea Org scientologists who have signed billion year contracts are housed. Neighbors have complained about the living conditions in there and not without a reason as you can see for yourself.

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