------------------------------------------------------------------- F.A.C.T.Net, Inc. (Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network, Incorporated) a non-profit computer bulletin board and electronic library 601 16th St. #C-217 Golden, Colorado 80401 USA BBS 303 530-1942 FAX 303 530-2950 Office 303 473-0111 This document is part of an electronic lending library and preservational electronic archive. F.A.C.T.Net does not sell documents, it only lends them according to the terms of your library cardholder agreement with F.A.C.T.Net, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Winter 1987-1988 Biblical Literacy Today, page 12. "DELIVERANCE FROM SCIENTOLOGY" "No group thinks of itself as a cult" by Tom Hutchinson (Tom Hutchinson is a graphic artist, incorporated as Hutchinson and Hutchinson, a member ofPeachtree Christian Church in Atlanta, Georgia.) CANDIDATES FOR A CULT My wife Carol and I were Scientolo- gists. Our story is one I feel needs to be told. We hope it will help others redis- cover the power of Christ. We are both in our early 40's, and were married in 1970. We have two children, two cars, a home in Atlanta, and a business to run. A few years ago we were having problems. We had no regular church and didn't understand much about the Bible or what it had to offer. We had been raised to go to church, but like so many others, we had lost interest years ago. Christ had always been a friend to me and I knew that whatever else I was, I was still a Christian. No one had ever really shown me how relevant and effective Scripture can be in helping me solve present day problems. The Bible was a total mystery to me. Carol also had her doubts about the whole subject of Christ and Scripture. We were perfect candidates for a religious cult. Then a friend of mine came to me and told me Dianetics and Scientology could solve all of my problems. He was trained to sell it and did it well. Soon I was signed up for a sample of their "auditing." Carol followed my lead and we were on our way. The story of our experiences would fill a book, but space doesn't permit me to expand on it here. We were caught up in the big game that L. Ron Hubbard had created. As we learned to look at every- thing through his eyes, our world became that of a Scientologist. Two years later we were different people. It was hard to think for ourselves without consulting Hubbard's technol- ogy first. His values and teachings were all we thought about. We quickly went from financial security to deep debt. Paying for the services and teachings of the "church" was costing us all of our worldly posses- sions. But for"them" it wasn't enough. We were under constant pressure to pay more money into the church. The only way to afford the "salvation" of the church was to join the organization and go to work as a staff member. (They get it free.) They convinced us that we should move to Los Angeles and join the "Sea Org." This is the personal "army" of L. Ron Hubbard. Our house went on the market and word went out to our family, friends, and clients, that we were moving. The decision was made. [Editor's note: The Sea Org(ganization) is now landbased, but, in the earlier days when Hubbard was sailing the seas to avoid scrutiny by various governments, it was on shipboard with him. This organization, with its militaristic in its outward appearance, especially in its naval uniforms and naval ranks, controls Scientology today under the rule of David Miscavige, Hubbard's successor.] THEN JESUS STEPPED IN Then Jesus stepped in. In the process of cleaning up my affairs and finishing the work I had to complete, I stopped to say goodbye to an associate of mine. I told him I was moving and why. To my total surprise he told me he had been a Dianetics "auditor" for the organization years ago, in Los Angeles. An "auditor"is one of the people who delivers the psychological process- ing called Dianetic "Auditing" that we had spent all of our money for. I was amazed. My friend went on to explain he was now a strong Christian and no longer a Scientologist. He was obviously deeply troubled by my news but he wished me well. As I questioned him he explained that Scientology had all of the earmarks of a cult and because of his experiences, he no longer agreed with anything they were doing. I was shocked. He was the first person I had ever met who could tell me, from ex- perience, what I needed to know. There were questions I had been afraid to ask. Now I had to know. Later Carol and I gave ourselves permission to ask our- selves about all of the fears and unresolved problems we had been compelled to ignore about the Scientology organization. Now they flooded to the surface. We suddenly realized we were about to become ab- sorbed into a cult that had kept us in the dark about many things. We had known all along it worked that way, but we had refused to look at it. What followed were days of confu- sion and doubt. The disappointment was almost unbearable. The one truth I was sure of was Christ. I had almost forgotten Him but now I prayed. Finally things started to fall into place. ________________________________________ Through Christ, the joy of my life quickly returned to me and my family ________________________________________ The next miracle He sent us came through our children. They had been going to Sunday School with their friends at a local Christian Church. The Youth Group was putting on a play and, my daughter, Molly, wanted us to go. That night I met the minister of the Church and his warmth and loving personality was genuine. I told him in a few words what was happening. His reaction was "Praise God!" He was a student of cults in America and understood what I was going through! Through Christ this minister gave me the help I needed the way few people could have. I thank God he was there. Through Christ, the joy of life quickly returned to me and my family. I feel like a man who has escaped bondage. The fear and worry I had felt as a Scientologist was gone. I have a new appreciation of God's power and love for us. My family has been blessed and we know it. To my amazement, I have begun to discover that the mysterious Bible had the answers I was after all along. Carol and I are taking the Bethel Bible Study course through our new church. I wish we had done it years ago. LOOKING BACK: HOW IT HAPPENED All of these experiences have brought me to this point in my faith. Whatever I have paid to get here has been worth it. From this new, higher perspective, I am able to see with 20/20 hindsight, how the Scientology organization and other, similar cults are able to do their subtle and amazing "tricks." It is with the greatest sadness and empathy that I extend my hopes and prayers to all who are in a cult. Unfor- tunately, some of the most intelligent people in the world have taken the bait, Over 20 million Americans are involved in cults today. The promises they claim to offer seem wonderful. What child hasn't dreamed of being a Superman? Our egos cry out for power and control over our lives and spirits. Is it any surprise that so many cults come forward claiming to have this commodity for sale? They tell you that "now, finally, the great questions can be answered for you and you can be like a god!" Of course, these counterfeit religions don't come right out and tell you that this is what they are all about. They bring you along gradually. First, they shower you with "love and caring and concern for your wellbeing." Next come truths and helpful training. Soon you find yourself going into agreement with the group on its more private doctrine as they confide in you as a trusted member of the organiza- tion. At the same time, the pressure on you increases to spend greater amounts of time and money. Pressure to spread the doctrines of the cult increases too. LOCKED IN Soon your investment is huge, and these "truths" have become your own. You have bought them for a lot of money and their value is proportional. You will defend them. Outside of the group, you feel totally alone. No one speaks your language any- more. You are told that to leave the group is suicide. The "hook" is now set deep in your heart. They've got you and they know it. You are as dedicated as they are. No sacrifice is too great to ask of you. This is the cycle of a cult. It hasn't changed much in thousands of years. From first hand experience, I can tell you that from inside a cult, things look very different. If you are inside the organi- zation, you must agree with it or face harsh consequences. Outsiders cannot be trusted, so their counsel is worthless. Ary critic is labeled an enemy. You are alone with your fears and doubts. There is no choice but to bury them deep within yourself and go on. To make it more confusing, some of these cults do have a lot of attractive things to offer. Their enthusiasm about the validity of their product is very real to them and anyone who doesn't under- stand them is easily dismissed as un- informed or evil. Their dedication to "Saving Mankind" is not fake. They be- lieve in what they are told. They have to. Total agreement is a basic requirement. How then do you define a cult? Any group that is not a mainstream Christian Church? No group thinks of itself as a cult! They do have some basic things in common. The following helped to open my eyes. I hope you find it useful. DISTINCTIVE TRAITS OF CULTS 1. There is always a leader of charismatic personality who claims special knowl- ege, revelation, and mission. 2. Justification and salvation by Grace through Jesus Christ is denied. Enlight- enment and salvation must be earned thRough study, good works, and devotion to all the requirements of the cult. 3. The Bible is not an adequate guide for truth, faith, and the right way of life. Other writings, books, and revelations are supe- rior to the Bible, 4. Jesus is devalued as Savior and Lord, and disregarded completely. _______________________________________ Outsiders cannot be trusted, so their counsel is worthless. Any critic is labeled an enemy. _______________________________________ 5. Cults major in minor teachings. Pe- ripheral truth is enlarged to a prominent belief. Examples are perfectionism, spiri- tual healing, prophecy, Sabbath worship, mind sciences, emotionalism, surrender of material possessions, etc. 6. The cult is the exclusive community of the saved. Those outside its member- ship are without hope. 7. Absolute commitment is required. All other relationships and responsibilities outside the cult are to be broken. Total de- votion of time, energy, money, and labor are required evidence of loyalty to the cult. 8. Aggressive face-to-face recruitment or indoctrination is required from each cult member. 9. Real and imagined persecution is en- couraged. It is taught that to be rejected is vindication of the cult's teachings and mission. 10. Deception and distortion are taught as skills to achieve the cult's purposes. A CLEAR CHOICE If you find yourself a member of a counterfeit religion, you have a clear choice to make. Don't let anyone tell you that you can follow their doctrines and also be a Christian. If you allow yourself to look at it, you will see that the organization you are with is gradually driving a wedge of doubt between you and Christ's truths and teachings. You cannot serve two masters. One Savior is all you need. ================================================================= If this is a copyrighted work, you are acknowledging by receipt of this document from FACTNet that on the basis of reasonable investigation, you have not been to obtain a copy elsewhere at a fair price, and that you are and will abide by the following copyright warning. WARNING CONCERNING COPYRIGHT RESTRICTIONS: The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photo copies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified by law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." 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Peachtree Christian Church revived their Christian faith and they are vigorously devoted to Christ and the Bible, 1988. For additional verification see image files contained in the file with same name and .ZIP extension. UPDATED ON: 3/10/94 UPDATED BY: FrJMc =================================================================