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Inside Scientology — Finally [Money problems]

Title: Inside Scientology — Finally [Money problems]
Date: Friday, 4 April 1986
Publisher: L.A. Weekly (California)
Authors: Ron Curran, Jennifer Pratt
Main source: link (2.8 MiB)

Disclaimer: This archive is presented strictly in the public interest for research purposes. All the copyrights of materials reproduced here are the properties of their respective owners.

MONEY PROBLEMS AS NOTED IN THE MAIN ARTICLE, the one subject church leaders would not discuss in detail is money — notably, how much the church takes in and where it specifically goes. With 40,000 members in L.A alone, some of them spending tens of thousands on auditing, the sums can clearly be large. A 1974 internal memo indicated the church grossed $24 million that year; former Scientologists have put the current gross at $100 million, a figure that cannot be ... [Read the rest at link (2.8 MiB)]