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Scientology company issues libel writs

Title: Scientology company issues libel writs
Date: Friday, 2 August 1968
Publisher: Scottish Daily Express (UK)
Main source: link (24 KiB)

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THE Church of Scientology has issued High Court writs for libel against the publishers of four British newspapers.

And it announced yesterday, through London solicitors its intention to lay complaints against the British Government before the European Commission of Human Rights.

Suing as a company with registered offices in Fitzroy Street, London, the Church is claiming damages for alleged libel in the Sunday Express, News of the World, and Sunday Mirror last Sunday, and in the Daily Express last Friday.

In the writs against the Daily Express and the Sunday Mirror, Mrs. Jane Kember, an official of the Church, is a second plaintiff.

Each writ also asks for an injunction restraining the defendants from publishing "the same or any similar libel."