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Cult founder claims organisation owed him $13m.

Title: Cult founder claims organisation owed him $13m.
Date: Wednesday, 7 August 1968
Publisher: The Scotsman (UK)
Main source: link (45 KiB)

Disclaimer: This archive is presented strictly in the public interest for research purposes. All the copyrights of materials reproduced here are the properties of their respective owners.

Mr Lafayette Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology, claimed in a statement issued yesterday that he was owed $13 million dollars by the organisation, and had forgiven it. He had drawn no salary for years.

The statement was one of two from Mr Hubbard issued from the cult's headquarters at East Grinstead, Sussex. A spokesman said they were received on Monday night from Tunisia, where Mr Hubbard is believed to be on his yacht.

The statement added: "Even my own income has been invoiced Scientology organisations."


"I paid for all the research for 18 years, and it is not included at all. All the millions have been totalled up, and aside from some cash loans the balance has been forgiven.

"It is typical of these attacks. on Scientology that truth is the other way. It is upsetting to make a $13 million gift and be hammered for it."

In the other statement, Mr Hubbard said Scientology brought millions of dollars into England "before Robinson slammed the door on students."

"Older parctices take millions of dollars from the U.K. taxpayer. Medicine and mental groups are paid countless millions while Scientology makes money for the country.

"Even with medicine free, the people want to pay for Scientology. No wonder older practices are afraid. Authority belongs to those who are getting their job done."