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Title: INFO RE: [MISS X]
Date: Monday, 27 September 1976
Main source: link (134 KiB)

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27 Sept 76


1. [MISS X]s auditing folders start in July, 1963 at St. Hill UK where she was on the SHSBC. She was being run on Gr. 6 processing et that time. During this auditing she R/Sed on Jane Kember, LRH, Herbie Parkshouse, and Fred Hare.

2. [MISS X] has been in Scientology since at least 1952. She attended the Doctorate Course in Philadelphia at that time. While at the PDC she was promiscuous: She slept with 4 or 5 men during the course, 2 of them on the orq premises. She has quite a record of promiscuousity in these early years. With three male PCs, she let them touch her genitals during sessions because they "got into sexingness." She has masturbated regularly since she was 8 years old, mentions doing it once with coffe grounds (doesn't say how) and once had a puppy lick her. She slept with [MISTER A] while he was married to her cousin in 1952, which created a big stink in her family. When she lived in Greenwich Village (doesn't say when) she claims that she "screwed anything with pants".

3. In an Enemy formula write-up done at ASHO she mentions leaving her husband, [MISTER B], in May, 1952 but she does not give his last name. There is no mention of it in our files. She also was married to Bill Fisk who was shot while she was on the SHSBC at St. Hill. Bill had been sleeping with [MISS Y] and [MISS Z] (now [MISS Z]) before he got shot for sleeping with a student at Seattle Org. [MISS X] had agreed that he could sleep around while she was away. [MISS X] denied him sex even when she was with him and would masturbate to satisfy herself.

4. Dec. '64 to Aug '67 she was at the DC org then she went to the Detroit Org.

5. She blew from ASHO sometime in 1969, no specific date.

6. In July, 1970 she is back on ASHO staff and is troubled with insomnia, says she may go Type III if it's not handled.

7. June, 1970 she does an Enemy formula O/W write-up (mentioned above and the source of much of this data) in which she mentions that while auditing at the Fullerton Mission in Orange County that she left and OT III bulletin in her bureau drawer for some time, unlocked. She also says her Class 8 Pack was in a file cabinet that anyone could have opened by pulling on the drawer.

8. There is no record of her current whereabouts in AOLA files, nor her current status.
