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Narcotic-rehabilitation efforts to be rewarded

Title: Narcotic-rehabilitation efforts to be rewarded
Date: Tuesday, 19 May 1970
Publisher: Gazette (Phoenix, AZ)
Main source: link (139 KiB)

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Two Arizona State Prison officials will receive special awards Friday for their efforts with a narcotic-rehabilitation program at the prison.

Dale F. Brandfas, assistant superintendent of custody, and John Russell, construction foreman, will receive awards from Arthur J. Maren, nationwide supervisor of Narconon. Narconon is a rehabilitative program for prisoners who are addicted to drugs, and is based on a body of philosophy known as scientology.

The prison officials are receiving the awards for their contributions of "support, time and effort" to the program, said Danny Dorosky, senior Narconon chairman. Dorosky, a former addict, is scheduled to leave the prison Saturday.

Russell was Narconon's first sponsor, from February 1966 to February 1969.

A new senior chairman, Don Mesaros, will be installed. Mesaros, a member of Narconon two years, is serving sentences of 25 years to life and 8 to 10 years.