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L. Ron Hubbard: Blind and crippled?

[work in progress]

Channel 4 (UK, 1997): "Secret Lives - L. Ron Hubbard" @ Xenu TV

Excerpt of "Secret Lives - L. Ron Hubbard" (hosted at XenuTV)

«HUBBARD IN 1968: "By 1948, through my own processing, and use of the principles I had isolated up to that time, was able to pass a 100% combat physical, which was very mysterious to the government, how had I suddenly become completely physically well, from being blind and lame."

«It was an odd story, because Hubbard's war record shows his recurring problem was a stomach ulcer. There are mentions of conjunctivitis, but none of blindness. Indeed, none of his navy medical reports, before, during, or after the war, contain any suggestion of blindness, only short-sightedness and astigmatism.»

Chris Owen: "Ron the 'War Hero' - 3.9 'Crippled and blinded'"

«In fact, there is no evidence anywhere in Hubbard's records that he was, at any time in the war, engaged in a combat action or sustained injuries resulting from combat. Nor is Hubbard recorded as having made any claim through official channels relating to such injuries. He made the specific claim that "my service record states: 'This officer has no neurotic or psychotic tendencies of any kind whatsoever,' but it also states 'permanently disabled physically.' "  No such statement appears anywhere in his medical records.»

Toronto Globe and Mail (Jan. 1980): "The hidden Hubbard" by John Marshall

«[L. Ron Hubbard] had served as a U.S. Navy lieutenant from 1941 to February, 1946, ending up in the military police in Korea. Published Scientology mythology about him suggests that he was a hero and that he ended the war crippled and blind and that he twice had been declared dead. Through his discoveries, his followers were told, he cured himself.

However, Scientology leaders know better. According to documents from files in their U.S. headquarters that became part of the Washington trial record, government medical records tell a different story:

Mr. Hubbard was hurt in 1942. He fell from a ship's ladder and injured his back, right hip, left knee and right heel. He spent a few days in hospital that year, in part for treatment of an eye infection. In 1943 he received both hospital and outpatient treatment for his eyes and for ulcers and back problems. There were no reports about his being declared dead or even being in any kind of serious condition.»