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Rick Ross

Cult expert.

Jewcy (Feb. 2007): "Brainwashing's Nemesis: How Rick Ross became a cult buster extraordinaire" by Michael Weiss

[...] As the media’s go-to guy on Scientology and the Kabbalah Center, Ross has helped expose such these and other groups as creepy enterprises which prey on the psychologically vulnerable, rob them of their fortunes and get away with it all by packaging themselves as “new religions.”

He entered the cult monitoring and deprogramming biz in the early 80’s after witnessing a sinister Christian sect try to convert aged Jews in his grandmother’s Arizona nursing home. Ross now heads up his eponymous New Jersey-based institute, whose website features one of the largest and most comprehensive databases on controversial social movements, anywhere.

Ross’ quarry includes “everything from the power of miracles, mysticism to ‘God Men’ gurus and traveling prophets.” Al Qaeda, Nation of Islam, Chabad, Mormonism, Burning Man, even AmWay – all receive their own dossier. [...]

Scientology and Dianetics, Founder L. Ron Hubbard

Huge database of Scientology related material, including the following topics (but not limited to):

Cult News from Rick Ross, Cult Expert and Intervention Specialist

Latest news from Rick Ross (plus archived news since August 2002) for everything related to cults.

Rick Ross Responds to his Critics

"Religious Freedom Watch," a front group for Scientology, features seven pages of personal attacks on line, regarding my work and past. On page 7 they have posted a carefully annotated 196 page document that also includes information about The Ross Institute. This is the culmination of a substantial effort that included at least two private investigators and an attorney.

Typically, those who attack me personally avoid any meaningful rebuttal of the news reports, court documents or other information contained within this website. Instead, they appear to prefer an "ad hominem" attack, that is to say, "If you don't like the message, kill the messenger." In Scientology's own internal jargon, this is called "dead agenting," or discrediting your perceived adversary personally.

Wikipedia: Rick Ross

Rick Ross (born November 1952) is a "cult expert" in the United States and a former deprogrammer. He was closely involved with the old Cult Awareness Network (CAN). He launched what is now one of the largest databases accessible through the Internet regarding cults, controversial groups and new religious movements and related research about "mind control." Ross, like much of the anti-cult community after the controversy and court cases against deprogramming, no longer advocates involuntary interventions for adults, preferring voluntary "exit counseling". Ross, who began his work in 1982, refers to himself as a "cult intervention specialist" and has been interviewed and quoted by the media in the United States and around the world. He has created a standard of ethics for intervention work. He has been called as an expert witness on several occasions.

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