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Scientology: Practicing medicine without a license

Library: “Medical claims”...
Fraud: “Fraud is commonly understood as dishonesty calculated for advantage.” [ref]

«The above are the full steps and sequence for handling a physical condition or illness. If not done fully or omitted, the condition will recur. So all steps must be fully done in that sequence.» – L. Ron Hubbard, "THE SEQUENCE FOR HANDLING A PHYSICAL CONDITION", HCOB of 14 November 1978.
«One of the steps of Audited NOTs consists of hundreds of approaches to handling the sources of somatics and physical conditions.» — Promotional brochure, "New Era Dianetics for OTs (NOTs)"
«AIDS is a state of mind, not a disease.» — Scientologist Jenna Elfman, Daily Radar, December 1999
«Scientologists do believe in past lives [...] [if you] always have a sore throat, maybe you were guillotined.» — Scientologist Sylvia Stanard, The J.T. Foxx Show, March 3rd, 2007 (listen to the show at The Wog Blog: "A Day of Entheta", @ 16m40s)
«The Medical Officer in the Sea Org may discontinue a drug at any point regardless of medical prescriptions as he is in a position to observe assist and processing results the medical doctor may not be aware are occurring.» – L. Ron Hubbard, "THE ROLE OF THE MEDICAL OFFICER", HCOPL of 3 October 1970.

Affidavit of Hana Eltringham Whitfield (8 March 1994)
222. I have known many Scientologists and Sea Org members who died from cancer. The common denominator among them is that they did not seek medical assistance rapidly, when they first noticed something wrong. The overwhelming belief among Scientologists and Sea Org members was to get audited or continue on with auditing (if they were already receiving auditing) with the conviction that auditing would resolve the cancer.

223. In Hubbard's 1975 edition of his book, History of Man, Hubbard wrote on page 20, "Cancer has been eradicated by auditing out conception and mitosis." Attached hereto as Exhibit 87. This, and similar claims for other illness in Hubbard's DMSMH, may have helped to bring about the disregard for the medical doctor. In the recent edition of the same Hubbard book, History of Man, which, ironically occurred after Hubbard's death, a rewrite of the statement above occurs, saying, "Cancer has reportedly (emphasis added) been eradicated by auditing out conception and mitosis." There is no accompanying statement in the recent edition of the book saying that Hubbard authorized the change prior to his death, which he would have had to do for the change to be valid. [...]

228. In late 1977, Yvonne suddenly arrived in Clearwater, very ill. She talked with difficulty, lost track of what she said half way through a sentence and lost her balance while walking. Yvonne told me she had a brain tumor and that she was dying. She said she hadn't seen a doctor because she thought auditing would fix it. The illness started with an "out of balance" feeling which she assigned to lack of sleep. The doctor told Yvonne the tumor was removable if she had seen him earlier. We both cried. I knew auditing did not resolve everything, but I was shocked that her life was wasted through such neglect. [...]

233. Another Sea Org member who died of cancer was Carol. She developed breast cancer after joining the Sea Org. She told me that she did not report it because she believed that auditing would cure it. She also did not want to bother anyone. [...]

244. Marie Passmore was a long term Sea Org member, a Class 8 trained auditor, and on the OT levels exorcising her BTs and clusters. She developed cancer in the late 1970s or early 1980s, and then got auditing in Clearwater, as she told me, to cure her cancer. She was convinced that exorcising her BTs on OT 5 would cure her. When the cancer became terminal, she was sent to Europe to die. I never saw her again. Her death was hushed up. [...]

251. Daphne Parselle was in Scientology in the late 1960s, in London and Saint Hill, East Grinstead. She achieved the state of Clear in 1967. During her Clear speech, (Clears in those days gave a short speech about their 'wins and gains' in reaching the state) in the Chapel at Saint Hill Manor, she claimed, very positively and enthusiastically, that she was cured of the cancer because of her auditing. However, she died of the cancer shortly thereafter.

252. Ellen Carder was an American, and a Scientologist in the early 1960s. She had cancer. She went to England for advanced auditing. While there, she claimed that Hubbard told her that if she studied the Clearing Course and then applied the auditing techniques to herself to achieve the State of Clear, her cancer would be cured. Ellen started on the course of action. However she died in June 1966 at Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, England - from the cancer.

Tilman Hausherr: "NOTS34: Criminality successfully protected by copyright law"

NOTS34 is interesting to analyse because it touches two fields of science: criminology and law. Criminology because NOTS34 illegally promotes an electronic device, the scientology "e-meter" for healing, and Law because of the measures the criminal cult of scientology uses to keep the discussion of its criminality off the public: lawsuits and illegal cancellation. A netizen, Keith Henson, was recently fined $75000 for posting it to the internet. (not final)

Numerous people are believed to have died from the application of NOTS34. US Judge Ronald Whyte has prohibited Keith Henson to send this document to law enforcement, even after he was told of the deaths. This makes him a co-conspirator, but he is protected by federal immunity.

Unlike the Tobacco companies, scientology uses copyright laws to attempt to keep the NOTS34 off the public. (The Tobacco companies used attorney-client privilege)

Jeff Jacobsen (1996): "Medical claims within Scientology's secret teachings"

Although the church claims that these courses are "trade secrets" and are expertly guarded, they are nevertheless at this time widely and easily available to the public.

One aspect of these teachings, and especially the NOTs courses, are the medical cures that they seem to be promoting. While Hubbard had no medical background and in fact only took 2 years of college courses with dismal results, he still made astounding claims for his auditing process, such as:

  • Cure goiter - Dianetics Today (1975 Ed.), p. 280
    "I've seen a goiter the size of a baseball visibly shrink and disappear in the space of one-half hour right after an engram was run."
  • Cure polio- Dianetics Today (1975 Ed.), p. 353
    "A girl crippled by polio was able to throw away her crutches after my first session."
  • Cure arthritis - History of Man, p. 7
    "Today, Eleanor has arthritis. She is audited... tonight she doesn't have arthritis"
  • [...]

Declaration of Jonathan Caven-Atack (9 April 1995)

66. Scientologists are forbidden medical assistance without consent from Scientology [JCA-137]. All psychotherapies and meditational practices are forbidden [JCA-138].

Declaration of Jesse Prince (20 August 1999)

24. I have personally witnessed executive decisions directed to members instructing them to "end cycle", i.e., die.  I have personally read  written instructions by Ray Mithoff concerning the following individuals:
a)  Diane Morrison, a personal friend of mine.  She had cancer.  Radiation treatment is forbidden by Scientology.  She was instructed by Ray Mithoff to "end cycle."  Her husband, Shawn Morrison, was ordered by Ray Mithoff to transport her off of the Scientology property at Gilman Hotsprings, California, to her mother's house so that she would not die on Scientology property.
b) Ted Cormier, a personal friend of mine.  He had Parkinson's disease.  He was ordered to leave Gilman Hotsprings and go directly to Flag for NOTS 34, auditing to cure his cancer.  When this failed, Ray Mithoff sent him orders in his Pre-Clear folder for him to "end cycle." He died.

Xenu TV: "Scientology: Can Dianetics Cure Arthritis?"

«While Tory Christman was still in Scientology, she made the claim that her mother's arthritis was cured with Dianetics. She and her then husband, Harold Bezazian, were upset and convinced that I would twist their words when I posted the video to the internet.

Scientology is barred by Government law from making any claim of medical cures. They are federally mandated to post signs in all their buildings and print disclaimers in every publication to that effect. Yet, anecdotally, this is exactly the type of "win" that is passed on every day by Scientology.» — Mark Bunker

Scientology History in Toronto, Part One

Here is an article from the Toronto Sun newspaper, dated December 15, 1985:


Often testifying in tears, Anderson testified on "15 years of unbelievable stories" during her association with the Church of Scientology, beginning when she was 17.

In 1979, she said, a doctor who was a member of the church led her to believe she had cancer and asked her to obtain funds from her relatives for medical treatment.  She alleged 10% of the money would have gone to him.

Creed J. Pearson: Silenceology

A good friend of mine, Anna Korshe, developed uterus cancer on Hubbard’s purification rundown. Rather than allow her to go and get medical attention elsewhere she was told “what turns it on will turn it off” and was made to return to the sauna instead. She died.

Rolling Stone (Feb. 2006): "Inside Scientology" by Janet Reitman

I watch the film, which turns out to be an infomercial featuring a cast of "real" people talking about how Dianetics changed their lives, curing them of ailments ranging from cancer to depression. [...]

But when he became ill, his perspective radically changed. For the first six years of his Sea Org service, Jeffrey had kept his asthma and other health issues in check. In the spring of 2004, he began to develop severe chest pains. By the summer, he was unable to work. By fall, he could barely get out of bed.

Scientologists believe that most illnesses are products of a person's own psychic traumas -- they are brought upon themselves. Sea Org members are promised medical care for any illness, but Jeffrey says that he received little medical attention or money with which to seek outside medical care. Instead, he was sent to Ethics counseling. When that didn't cure him, it was suggested he return to the EPF to repeat his training.

Wikipedia: Medical claims in Scientology doctrine

September 1, 1962, Hubbard issued a Policy Letter entitled Healing Promotion. In it he asserted, "We have resolved healing.... This program has the following thought major:
"SEE US AND FIND OUT" [EMPHASIS in the original]

"Legally, this permits us to heal without engaging in healing as, in actual fact, we address no illnesses and indeed, DENY people are ill--they are only suppressed. Sickness occurs, we say, where suppression has been too great.... The legal argument is simple; we don't believe in sickness, we do not address illness, we do not diagnose, we believe that freeing the human spirit also incidentally prevents sickness.... We do send acutely ill people to doctors. We advertise to cure no diseases! That last is legally important." [emphasis in the original.]

Time (1991): "Scientology: The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power"

In France it took a death to spur the government into action: 16 Scientologists were indicted last year for fraud and "complicity in the practice of illegal medicine" following the suicide of an industrial designer in Lyon. In the victim's house investigators found medication allegedly provided to him by the church without doctor's prescription. Among those charged in the case is the president of Scientology's French operations and the head of the Paris-based Celebrity Centre, which caters to famous members.

The Anderson Report, Chapter 19: The Healing Claims of Scientology

During 1959-1960, over a period of about five months, one unfortunate man was audited at the Melbourne HASI for more than 200 hours in an endeavour to cure him of cancer from which he was dying and did die. At a time when it was known at the HASI that he had been under medical treatment and was suffering from a malignant growth in his lower abdomen, the HASI quoted him 200 hours' auditing for a stable case gain. He embarked on such a course, and processing ceased only a few weeks before he died, one of the last auditor's reports on his case being that the preclear was about to drop the body. This case is typical of the callous disregard which the scientologist practitioners are trained to have for their preclears. It is a sign of weakness in an auditor to feel pity for a victim, and the auditing processes in this case, as in very many others, were applied quite brutally. During the five months over which this preclear's processing was spread, he had such pitiful goals as "to be certain that I have lost this tumour", "to get rid of this tumour", to "drop off this tumour-cancer-growth", "to make my stomach a bit more comfortable", "to reduce this growth in size", "my health to start to improve, to find the cause of this growth quickly".

Practicing Medicine Without A License

Several of the NOTs contain specific instructions for dealing with physical illnesses or injuries:
  • "If a guy has a bad secondary, or a bad injury, you handle that with Date/Locate" [an auditing procedure using the e-meter]. - NOTs Series 3
  • "If ill or injured handle [w]ith an Assist (NOTs 3)" - NOTs Series 26R
  • "The above are the full steps and sequences for handling a physical condition." - NOTs Series 34
  • "If the person is sick as well as being subjected to a dangerous environment, there would be no hope of recovery without auditing." - NOTs Series 48

Affidavit of Suzette M. Dearing (10 August 1989)

In the first years I was on staff (1975-1979) we were actively discouraged from seeking medical help if we were sick. It was felt that all illnesses were "spiritual" in nature. I remember one man named Tom Stevens, who had appendicitis that went untreated for a couple of days until he finally had emergency surgery. He was forced back on the job by the Church after only two days of recovery and performed his duties in considerable pain. On another occasion my supervisor, Cathy Moore, suffered a miscarriage and called me to her house to counsel her to make the miscarriage stop. Needless to say, it didn't and she eventually was hospitalized.

I remember when I was pregnant with my second child in 1983, I asked the director of the Church, Jeff Cota, if I could cut back my hours. I was very ill (during my fifth month I lost five pounds) and my physician was concerned about me. His response was that he was convinced that my difficulties were "spiritual" in origin and that he wanted me to receive counselling rather than go home and rest. I couldn't convince him otherwise.

Anonymous offering, 80's Flag, extreme predicaments of Sea Org life

Another time, I got really sick and couldn't keep any food or water down. After losing a lot of weight and not getting better after a couple weeks I was sent to ethics and put in isolation in a room in the FH [Fort Harrison]. Again, I was "enturbulating" my husband by being PTS. The door was locked, and only the MLO came a few times a day to bring "cal-mag" and vitamins and soup. I was pretty freaked out, and thought I was going to die there all alone in that dark, stinky moldy room, but I knew if I made a fuss I would NEVER get out, so I was very cooperative. [...] Later, when I finally left the SO, I found out I had a very serious hereditary medical condition that would have in fact killed me eventually without proper medical treatment!

City of Clearwater Commission Hearing, 1982: The Church of Scientology - Day 4, Brown McKee

I heard a woman describe how her husband went to Flag when it was on the ship because he had a heart condition, and one of Hubbard's prescriptions for that is Vitamin E. And he came back, and according to her description — I knew the man, by the way — he came back a broken man and died two or three months later. And it's a little gory, but the autopsy showed his stomach to be filled with undissolved Vitamin E capsules. [...]

Now, there's one other point: And one of the main reasons why I wanted to be here is I see — I'm a professional auditor and case supervisor, and I've been doing for many years. I know what is taught and the technology of Ron Hubbard. I've heard his tapes by the hundreds and have read his book by the thousands. And I can quote almost anything you'd like quoted right now. I know what this man says about illness, and illness is cured only by auditing. That is not what is told to the public, but that is what is taught us, we, who are the practitioners and the ministers of the church.

The West Australian (1959): "Police Allege Epilepsy Cure Was Claimed"

On May 11 the woman was semi-conscious after violent fits the night before. Harrison's wife came to the flat with a box-like instrument with leads attached. The court was told of an instrument - an electro-psychometer - which registered emotions like a lie-detector.

Pacific Stars and Stripes (1969): "Scientology — Help? Hindrance?" by Tom A. Cullen

Last April an inquest was held in East Grinstead on a 20-year-old youth who had been found semiconscious and who died in hospital. He had been studying Scientology and it was said that he was suffering from "latent schizophrenia aggravated by his interest in Scientology."

Church of Scientology/L. Ron Hubbard: FBI File no. 87-131713

On [...] received a phone call from Glenn Smoak, FCS, Washington, D.C., telephone number [...]. Smoak had called [...] several times previously but on this occasion when [...] mentioned to Smoak that he suffered from diabetes, Smoak told [...] that his diabetes could be cured. Smoak told [...] that [...] would entitle [...] to 150 hours of instruction which would result in the cure of his diabetes. [...] on that date, sent a [...] bank money order to the FCS at 1812 19th street, Northwest, Washington, D.C.

The following day Smoak called [...] and during this conversation informed [...] that for another [...] he could received additional courses and lectures which would make him a perfect man, cure his diabetes and any other ills he may suffer from. The following day [...] sent a [...] bank money order to the FCS.

The Washington Post (2002): "Ex-Scientologist Collects $8.7 Million In 22-Year-Old Case"

Wollersheim, who suffered from a bipolar disorder, was forbidden to seek medical help under Scientology policies, he says. He quit the church after spending $150,000 on Hubbard's "mental health" regimes, and by 1980 had filed suit. In 1986, a jury awarded him $5 million in compensatory damages and $25 million to punish the church for what jurors called intentional and negligent "infliction of emotional distress."

Mr. F. J. Baumgardner to Mr. A. H. Belmont Re: Academy of Scientology (11 August 1958)

The [Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation] moved several times between 1950 and 1956 when it located at Silver Spring, Maryland. The HDRF has encountered difficulty with police officers in New Jersey, Michigan, and District of Columbia for allegedly conducting a school in those areas in which a branch of medicine and surgery was taught without a license.

Death of scientologist Heribert Pfaff

Excerpt of Die dunkle Seite von Scientology - According to the records, Heribert P. died august 28, 1988, during the night from a heavy epileptic attack. He hit his head on the night table. (...) The scientology doctor reports that he prescribed vitamins for his patient -- despite regular attacks -- instead of treating him with proper medication. Such medication was indeed not detected in his blood during the post-mortem examination.
Hawk Radio (April 10, 2008): "The Edge with Tom Smith: Kendra Wiseman"

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[49m 38s] Hubbard and Scientology believe that if you get physically ill, [...] the only possible reason for that is that you have a suppressive person in your life. [...] So a lot of the time what happens is that a kid in Scientology school — this happened to me many times — will get sick you know, you will get a cold and you will stay home for two days. And when you get back to school, you got to sit down with the Ethics Officer and they say, "Now I want you to write down who the suppressive person in your life is."

And... You know you're ten years old, you're eleven years old. And you go, "I don't know, I don't know," and they say there have to be a suppressive person in your life. Hubbard said that the only reason you just got sick is that because there is a suppressive who have been upsetting you recently.

I had an experience when I was ten years old, I wrote down the name of the last person I got an argument with. And I found out a few weeks later that that girl — she was eleven — got thrown out of school, because I had named her a suppressive person [...], wrote down her name because that was the only thing that was going to get me out of that Ethics Office, and she got kicked out. [...]

[This is an excerpt, see Kendra Wiseman's page for the whole interview.]

(2007): "Roxanne Friend"
  Various excerpts of Roxanne Friend from ABC Nightline's "A conversation with David Miscavige"

FACTnet (Aug. 1998): "Jesse Prince interviews – Tape 3"

She married a fellow named Shawn Morrison, who was the port captain at Gilman Hot Springs, which is basically a public relations position for the surrounding locals. At any rate, this woman ended up having cancer, and it was, you know, Scientology doesn’t believe in chemotherapy or anything like that. They actually have policy letters against gamma rays, this is a severely antiquated idea, they don’t move with modern technology. So, this woman was encouraged to not get the standard treatment available to cure cancer. [...]

Escandalo! (circa 1995?): "Get Thee Behind Me, Thetan!!!" by Jason Torchinsky

She then went on to say that there wasn't any need for psychiatry, anyway, as Scientology can cure pretty much anything. We were skeptical, so as way of proof she went on to enumerate the various diseases and ailments that Scientology could cure. Everything from allergies to heart disease, which she dismissed with a wave of her hand and an irritating chuckle. She also claimed that if a woman had been raped, she could rid the woman of all ill effects, both physical and emotional, in about 2 hours. [...] "Comment by a Friend of Elli Perkins"

Under the threat of loosing my "Total Freedom for all Eternity", I too followed the Scientology policy of avoiding Psychiatric treatment and tried for years to handle my daughter with vitamins and isolation similar to the Lisa McPherson handling. On several occasions, I even signed her out of the Psychiatric unit against medical advice. Throughout her illness, I was subjected to several violent assaults. One episode I recall vividly, was when she stood directly in front of me with a butcher's knife posed to her heart warning me that if I moved one inch, she would kill herself. I froze in terror for some time until she broke silence with an evil laugh saying "I scared you didn't I?" As incredible as it appears to me now, I still dutifully followed the tech of L. Ron Hubbard and avoided Psychiatric treatment. [...]

Declaration of Charlotte L. Kates (11 October 1998)

13. She was sold several intensives (12 1/2 hour blocks of time) of Scientology auditing at the Flag Land Base on the premise that there, at "the mecca of technical perfection," her Lyme disease would be finally "handled," and that, therefore, the auditing was worth the exorbitant prices. She took out a second mortgage loan on her house to pay for these intensives of auditing. When these did not "handle" her Lyme disease, she was told she had not purchased enough auditing. In a very intense registration session, she nearly maxed out her credit cards to purchase further intensives of Flag auditing, and was further promised a cure for her Lyme disease. Once again, she was not recommended to see a doctor, and was, in fact, discouraged from doing so.

14. She returned to Flag for further "handling" for her Lyme disease, which was continually worsening as she put off medical treatment on the advice of CoS representatives. Once again, after receiving numerous "intensives" Flag auditing, she was still afflicted with Lyme disease. Nevertheless, Scientology continued to exploit the situation for money, involving her again in an intense registration session. She was told that she would need $8000 worth of additional auditing. She explained repeatedly to the registrar that she had nothing, that she had spent her last $2000 for her 4-year-old daughter's International Association of Scientologists Lifetime Membership, that she could simply not afford another intensive. [...]

Mike O'Connor: "From the past (NOTs 34)"

I find NOTs 34 an interesting document, because it is arguably a criminal instruction manual, as in my (non-lawyer) opinion, it describes how to use an E-Meter to help diagnose, treat, cure, and prevent physical diseases in violation of court orders given to Scientology. It's it's illegal to make such claims in general, without FDA approval, but in the case of the E-Meter, a long, major, hard-fought lawsuit brought by the US gov't on this very point actually CONDEMNED the E-Meter and the cult was ordered never to make such claims. Yet we have all seen NOTs 34, NOTs 22, NOTs 50 making very explicit claims...

Los Angeles New Times (2001): "Sympathy for the Devil"

For years she found herself stuck at OT VII, the second-highest level in the religion. Year after year, she diligently went through drills and tests trying to locate all of the body thetans infesting her system. The process mostly involved talking with auditors while hooked up to an "E-meter," an electronic gauge that measures tiny fluctuations in skin conductivity. Scientologists believe the erratic movement of the meter's needle while a subject talks indicates the presence of body thetans.

One of the things holding Bezazian back was the real mother of a body thetan that had taken up residence in her nervous system. She had epilepsy, which to the rest of the world is a serious, chronic illness. But to Scientologists, Bezazian's epileptic convulsions were a sure sign of a body thetan's presence.

When Bezazian stuck to a drug regimen recommended by doctors, she suffered few effects of the disease. But Scientologists viewed resorting to medication as a sign of weakness, an indication that an adherent didn't trust Hubbard's "tech" to drive away the body thetan causing her malady.

Several times, she tried to adhere to her faith by going off her medication. She suffered greatly each time. Although she was warned she would never "go clear" until she "handled" her epilepsy through the tech, Bezazian eventually went back on medication permanently.

Others chose to battle severe medical problems without help from doctors. A good friend, she says, died painfully after relying on auditing to cope with breast cancer.

Affidavit of Roxanne Friend (6 December 1991)

12. As I stated on pages 624-630 of my depositions, I believed that Scientology cured illnesses as this was taught to me in Scientology.

13. As I stated on pages 643 and 668, I truly believed it when I was told that Scientolgy was a science and not a belief system. It is only after two years of counseling that I can really even begin to face the idea that the things I was trained to practice as a science was not a science. It is very traumatic to be facing these falsehoods and the detriment the fraudulent claims have cause me.

14. During my relationship with Scientology, I was referred by Scientology to the Shaw Health Center for regular medical treatment. I was told that all of the doctors at Shaw were practicing Scientologists who used Scientology principles and techniques in their diagnosis and treatment. I was consistently dissuaded by my auditors and case supervisors from obtaining treatment from non-Scientologist physicians.

Affidavit of Jesse Prince (20 August 1999): «She disclosed that she was beyond treatment because of this delay and subsequently died. Based on my experience in Scientology, her statements ring true.»
Affidavit of Hana Eltringham Whitfield (8 March 1994): «Roxanne Friend, a Scientologist, contracted cancer in the late 1980s. She was getting auditing for her condition at the Clearwater HQ, but was not doing well and repeatedly requested approval to see a doctor. Her requests were not granted. She was told continue on with her auditing.»

Affidavit of Martin Ottmann (19 April 1996)

The pressure on the GI-lines was very high in those days, so I expected that Debbie would scream and threaten with "ethics handlings". Suddenly I felt very giddy. I got dizzier from moment to moment until I finally completely passed out.

Minutes later I found myself lying on the floor. I was shocked and made it to the department only after a few hours. The following days I experienced a strange misty feeling.

When I saw the "Medical Liaison Officer" Weissenburger, she told me, that I should take protein drinks and eat enough.

Later I had an interview at the "Staff Training Org FLB". I mentioned that I had "passed out". As a result I received a "Pain-Drug-Hypnosis-Security Check" (PDH-Sec. Check), as the "passing out" was a indicator that I had gotten a brainwashing treatment in the past by a psychologist or psychiatrist with the means of drugs, inflicted pain and hypnosis, per LRH.

Affidavit of Scott Yeager (date unknown)

In 1981 my wife Susan Yeager got acute lymphocytic leukemia. After her 3rd relapse in 1982 she was told by Bruce McKenzie, the Portland mission's ethics officer that I was the cause of her cancer. He told her that I was an SP (Suppressive Person) and she got cancer because she was married to me. Note — I have never been declared an SP by the C.O.S. (Church of Scientology). Bruce told her that the only way she could live was by divorcing me. Several weeks later after getting auditing and being disconnected from me she was very sick and I was able to get her admitted to the City of Hope Hospital where she died in December, 1982.

Paulette Cooper: "The Scandal of Scientology - The Suppressives"

He believes the Scientologists placed Stewart's[*] name on the bulletin board and put him in a "condition of doubt" for having seizures or fits in public and thereby "invalidating Scientology." Kaufman was horrified that someone would be punished for a physical ailment over which he had no control, especially since the "doubt penalty" meant this ill man would have had to work at menial chores for eighty hours straight without sleep.

A few days after the man was placed in "doubt," Kaufman was even more upset to see the man's funeral and cremation notice posted on the bulletin board. A short while later -- Kaufman believes it was the afternoon he saw the funeral notice -- Kaufman was more shaken when it was announced that the deceased's wife had just gone up another (very high) level in Scientology. Kaufman's suspicion that the eighty-hour penalty was connected to this man's death was heightened when he returned home and one of his Scientology instructors told Kaufman that he had heard that the man hadn't really died at all and that it had all been a mistake.

Jon Atack: "A Piece of Blue Sky: The Clearwater Hearings"

Rose Pace was introduced to Scientology by her sister, Lori Taverna, when she was thirteen. She joined the Church, and her formal education ended. The Board of Education accepted representations made by the Scientologists that Pace needed counselling. At fourteen, Pace became an Auditor, and began a career which culminated in her working at the Flag Land Base, in Clearwater, as a NOTs Auditor. After sixteen years in Scientology she said of its curative claims: "I have never seen someone be cured of an illness."


McKee described his most traumatic experience while in Scientology. His wife, Julie, who was a highly trained Auditor, had started to feel tired:

You must realize both of us were totally persuaded that the source of all illness was mental, except for, say, a broken leg, and the way of curing it is with auditing.

So, during the summer, Julie lost more and more of her energy and had some swelling and some small chest pains . . . and began to lose her voice. So, I thought, "Well, Flag has the best Auditors in the world and should be able to help her out." So, I sent her down here to Clearwater in, I guess it was, October of 1978. We never even really thought about going to see a doctor... the Scientologist doesn't think about that.

Well, they sent her back a week later sicker and . . . she couldn't even whisper any more. She'd write notes. So, I tapped her on the back, because she was complaining about her chest, and on one side I could hear... the hollow sound that you hear when you tap, and the other side, it wasn't hollow. And so, I knew that there wasn't any air on that side.

So, we went to see a doctor, and he had her in the hospital very quickly. She was there two days when we were given the report. And what it was was adenocarcinoma, which was a cancer of the lymph glands of the lungs, and her right lung had totally collapsed . . . this cancer had totally infiltrated her throat and paralyzed her vocal cords. And it had progressed to the point where it was totally hopeless. I mean, they didn't even suggest chemotherapy. And they sent her home, and I cared for her for ten days. And she died in my arms.

Affidavit of Andre Tabayoyon (5 March 1994)

105. Ray Mithoff is the senior-most person dealing with the technology of Scientology which includes auditing and the handling of Potential Trouble Source Type 3 cases ("PTS type 3"). A person who is PTS Type 3 has suffered a psychotic break, may hear voices, may have suicidal tendencies and will not know what is going on. I have personally observed numerous PTS type 3 cases in Scientology — often in the course of auditing. Mr. Mithoff can verify PTS type 3 symptoms. He can verify handling appropriate procedures such as the introspection rundown and isolation watch. He can identify and describe actual cases and which deaths and suicides are directly attributable to Scientology auditing. From what Mr. Berry has told me about Fishman and his behavior, it is my opinion, as an experienced RPF auditor and RPF case supervisor, that he may have gone PTS type 3 — especially if he had an extensive psychological background and was self-auditing without training.

Affidavit of Zoe Woodcraft (24 January 2001)

125.  Regarding medical treatment while I was in the Sea Org, I once fractured my foot when I was about 13.  My bone was fractured from my pinky bone to my ankle and I was in terrible pain.  I couldn't walk at all and stayed in bed late, but still had to get up and work.  The cadet coordinator checked me and told me I just had a sprain.  After about a week it was not better so I went to the MLO.  I waited all day and no one helped me.  They finally helped me toward the end of the day.  One of the MLOs took me to a nearby scientology chiropractor.

126.  I was told this chiropractor would take cheap x-rays.  She took them, saw the fracture and pointed it out to me and advised me to see a doctor.  I was never taken to a doctor.  To this day, my foot still hurts and aches when I run.

127.  While I was on the EPF, I was working a lot with acid.  I had no protective gloves and my skin became very dry and chapped and started peeling off.  Something also happened to my feet as they became sore and red, then crusty even on top.  They would crack and bleed and the bottoms were so sore I could hardly touch them.  I had to continue working until I begged to go to the MLO.  By this time, I could barely walk or move my fingers.

128.  The MLO, who is not even a medically trained person, said it looked like some sort of fungus and would go away.  I was given no treatment and sent immediately back to work.  I bought my own lotion at the store and was constantly using it to take away the pain.

129.  I suffered this condition up to the time I went with my father to Hawaii.  When he saw my hands and feet he immediately got me some medicine and applied it frequently.  By the time I returned to the Sea Org it had cleared up.

130.  I want to state that the church promises you that all your medical cares will be attended to.  This is not true.  Medical cares are ignored unless they are extreme.  You are considered to be doing something wrong if you are sick or injured.

131.  Any care that costs money has to go through a long process of approval that can take months.  I know my grandmother paid for some of her friends surgery or medical treatment because they could not get the funds approved through the church system and were in dire need of treatment.

132.  I also once cut my arm badly, where I could see white flesh, and this received no treatment other than wrapping.  I have a very bad scar on my arm from this injury.

The Anderson Report, Chapter 7: Hubbard's Scientific Deficiencies

Hubbard's completely unjustified claims to speak with authority on medical matters are not confined to psychiatry and psychology. His writings range the gamut of medicine, and many of his theories are based on entirely erroneous ideas of several branches of medicine. A great part of this Report is concerned with the errors of Hubbard in relation to psychiatry and psychology. In this Chapter, other branches of medicine, particularly anatomy and gynaecology, regarding which Hubbard has many fanciful and incorrect ideas, are briefly dealt with. In relation to the matters dealt with in this part of this Chapter, the expert medical evidence which the Board heard included evidence from Professors of Anatomy and Gynaecology and Obstetrics and a Dean of Medicine.

City of Clearwater Commission Hearing (1982): "The Church of Scientology - Day 4, LaVenda Van Schaick"


Were there any scientific guarantees given to you about auditing as to what it could cure? Did you — was it sold to you as helping any of your problems?


Yes. And also medical at that time.


Can you give me a specific medical problem?



Frederick Post (1981): "Man continues crusade against church"

[Alex Cornell] was a teen-ager then, suffering from an advanced form of Hodgkin's disease, and he joined the church because its leaders told him they could show him the way to cure himself of the cancer. Well, he says, they didn't. Instead they introduced the worried youngster to abstract theories regarding self help, for which they charged $900, and they tormented him with the notion that he was to blame for his condition — indeed, that he was such an errant, woebegotten creature that he deserved it.

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